On March 30, 2023, took place in Paris the first annual meeting of Dynamo project, where the members of the consortium met in a hybrid session.
The main objective of this meeting was to evaluate the status of the different work packages included in the project, as well as the progress achieved within the first year of activity.
The partners had the opportunity to review the current status of the different work packages (WP) and the progress achieved in this first year.
Daniel Torrent, from UJI and WP1 leader, presented the three main theoretical challenges of the project and explained the results presented in the scientific articles as the consortium set one main short-term objective (September 2023).
WP2, led by Pawel Packo from AGH/AGH-UST, will start on M18 and a planning schedule was explained, including the objectives to achieve and possible methods used. Dissemination activities were implemented by AGH partner: 1 scientific article and a general article about the Dynamo project.
Agustín Mihi, from CSIC and WP3 leader, explained the main achievements in this work package formed by 3 tasks. As for the fabrication of a test set of samples, 9 samples were obtained; the disordered phononic surfaces are currently under fabrication and as for the fabrication of twisted phononics plates, once the optimal combination of materials has been determined the optimal structures will be fabricated.

As for WP4 led by Olga Boyko from CNRS, a team member of the CNRS, Fernando Soldevila, introduced picosecond laser ultrasonics. The next steps will be to finish the set-up improvements, determine materials and study a single pillar.
Daniel Torrent, from UJI and WP5 leader, explained that the team is currently working on the picoseconds ultrasonics set-up that will be identical to the characterization set-up at CNRS partner. Significant improvements have been made and everything is expected to be ready in the next few weeks.
Michelle Andrade, project manager at UJI and WP6 leader, presented the Gantt chart of the project. It was made known that a new entity, SORBONNE, will be incorporated into the project.
Anna Tolosa and Raquel Adanero, from FUE-UJI and WP7 leader, presented the communication and dissemination KPIs set for this period and almost all have been achieved. 5 scientific publications were published on Gold Open Access as stated in the Grant Agreement.